Here are the "after" photos: My good friend Jana and me. I am about 15 pounds lighter here.
Kurt's after photo: He is about 20 pounds lighter here. You can see the weight loss in his face. He looks almost as young as Brandon here.
After photo: I am about 20 pounds lighter here. Here is our secret: Good old fashioned diet and exercise. A strict diet, that is, and exercise 5-6 days a week with cardio, weights and yoga. If anyone would like more info on our diet, let me know.
A "before" photo. The before photos were taken at the beginning of our (Kurt & me) weight loss journey in November, after the baby was born. Here is a photo of my good friend Jodi and me. This was taken right after Lexi was born.
Before photo: Kurt and Krew (after Krew's 2nd haircut).
Before photo: Kurt & Krew & Ashdon. Awww, they're all so cute!
Kurt almost looks like the lead singer from Rascal Flatts (sorry, Kurt) in the before photos.
Congrats guys you both look awesome!
Looking good!!!
great work! Very proud of you guys. I heard your diet was intense!
I think that's great that you did it together. And you both look so good! Such willpower, I don't think I could do it.
I'm just letting you know I'm here Karen. It's fun getting to see you and your family, you all look so good. Hope all is well.
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