Krew had quite the ordeal the other night. He was playing and twirling. Then he lost his balance, fell forward and landed on his face, knocking his left front tooth backward. Not just a little back, but way back. He was bleeding, crying, and clearly in pain. We called my sister, who is a dentist, and she said that we must pull the tooth forward that night or Krew would lose the tooth. She explained to Kurt how to do it. Then I held Krew down while Kurt pulled the tooth forward. Krew cried so hard that he lost his breath. This photo was taken the next day. You can see that the tooth relaxed a little backward because of the trauma and swelling.

We took Krew to the dentist in the morning to have him looked at in person. The dentist repositioned the tooth again. He said that Krew broke his pallet bone. And because he has been having random bloody noses from both nostrils since, we think he also hurt his sinuses. His lip was so swollen that he was almost unrecognizable. The dentist said that this injury will take weeks to recover from.

Krew didn't sleep very well that night (and so neither did we), so he fell asleep while playing. One of the hardest things about this ordeal is that it hurts Krew to eat, or to drink from his sippy cup. We tried to help him to eat, he wanted to because he was so hungry, but he wouldn't because of the pain. We had to make sure we kept Motrin in him, then we resorted to feeding him liquids and applesauce from a syringe. This turned out to be quite the ordeal for mom and dad too because it's hard to see your child suffer.

We really are a "House of Boys," aren't we? Here are father, 2 sons, and a grandson. (Can you tell who is father and who is son? Who is son and who is grandson?) Brandon, Ashley, and Ashdon came over for a visit. Ashdon is getting so big and can crawl now. Maybe he and Krew will grow up to be buddies.