Sunday, March 14, 2010

Matt Gets His Braces Off

Matthew finally got his braces off.  This is the before photo.  He has had them on for about 20 months now.  He just turned 14, so he is growing into a big young man.  He is even taller than his mother now.  Matthew has grown up and blossomed into such a great helper at home with his younger brothers, and also does really well in school.  He and Nicholas completed their black belts last year and the year before, so now Matthew is working on achieving his 2nd degree black belt.  Watch out!  You don't want to run into him in a dark alley! ;)

Matthew looks so grown up with his braces off.

Krew thinks he is grown up like his older brothers.  He likes to wear their shoes and pretend that he is big.  What a cute and silly boy!

Kurt, Krew, Axel, and Kory.  Krew and Axel look like cousins, don't they?

Krew with big brother Blake.